Monkeypox outbreak

There’s seems to be an outbreak of monkeypox in the mid-eastern United States. We should probably issue a health warning and travel ban to prevent the spread of this disease. Apparently, it’s similar to smallpox but not as bad and it actually is named monkeypox. The say that the likely cause were ill prairie dogs that were taken in as family pets. You don’t want the monkeypox.

Update: They are searching for the source of the monkeypox outbreak. The best thing they can come up with right now is an exotic pet dealer in Villa Park, Ind. called Phil’s Pocket Pets. They also have several other best-selling diseased exotic pocket pets like hamster tied to mouse and ball of fuzz.

Tiananmen Square

June 4th is the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square uprising. Communism worked great in theory, but doesn’t seem to do all that well in practice (except maybe Cuba; Castro the benevolant dictator). Not that this idea of ‘democracy’ that we’ve had for the last couple hundred years works that much better, but at least we get the illusion of personal freedoms and freedom of speech. I’ll avoid a long rant, Canada’s great to live in, here’s to democracy in China. And here’s a panorama of the square.

Hockey School

I forgot that my school competed for the Stanley Cup in 1906 and 1899, it’s kind of funny really. They never won it, but it shows how things have changed. The ducks have at least made things somewhat interesting, it looked like it was going to be another boring final series. It’s still two teams the are suburban offshoots of major centers… new jersey and anaheim, I’m sorry if that doesnt scream hockey to me. It’s just that I find I watch the hockey playoffs every year until all the Canadian teams are gone and then stop. I guess the suburbanites probably like their teams and support them, they probably just don’t have that rabid Northern hockey thing (although we’ve lost some teams from lack of money).