Serenity Trailer
Whoooohoooooo! More Firefly.
Month: April 2005
Money Origami
Money Origami
Pretty amazing work, and legal because they’re not destroying the currency.
Free open-source on-the-fly encryption for Windows.
German shepard awaits his flock
German shepard awaits his flock
BBC has a rather biting headline for the new Pope.
Email is the new database
Email is the new database
People are now using web-based email as a dumping ground for notes and ideas.
flickrRSS plugin update
I’ve updated the flickrRSS plugin and changed its page address. The release is a little bit rushed, mainly because I’m going to be be away all day Saturday driving to Guelph and helping my brother move.
The big updates are as follows: I removed the bits that relied on allow_url_fopen functions, the plugin now uses cURL . It no longer uses MagpieRSS, Indi pointed out the rss functions built into WordPress (which technically use Magpie). I also revamped the Option panel, it’s a lot cleaner looking now.
There shouldn’t be any big problems with the plugin, but I’ve called it an alpha because it hasn’t been completly tested.
Download Version 2.0a (5kb)
Shiira Project
Shiira Project
An open-source mac browser based on Safari’s WebKit.
Cake PHP framework
Cake PHP framework
Kind of like Ruby on Rails, but for php.
Web Browser Standards Support
Web Browser Standards Support
A side-by-side comparison of IE 6, Firefox 1.0 and Opera 8.
Why Google is like Wal-mart
Why Google is like Wal-Mart
“We are moving to a Google that knows more about you.”