The Big 10 Conglomerates and the media organizations that they control.
Month: June 2006
Most Reboot sites not valid
A majority of the sites that participated in May’s CSS Reboot fail standards validation. It’s not entirely surprising.
Common Errors in English
Common errors in English. A link for those of you that enjoy finding flaws in others.
flickrRSS 3.0.3
A small update for the flickrrss plugin. It now provides basic support for WordPress Widgets.
The wrong people’s internet
The wrong people’s internet. My grass is sooo much greener than yours.
Cory Doctorow ate my crossword
My conversation with el Cory
Cory Doctorow was in the crossword this weekend, and I had the presence of mind to email him (it’s every kid’s fantasy to be in the crossword).
Me: Dude, you were in the Globe & Mail’s cryptic!
Cory: I’m pretty sure that’s EL Doctorow.
Me: Uh…
Cory: The famous writer?
Me: I hid my brain under a rock. It’s now King of the Centipedes.
Cory: That woulda been hella cool.
Well, the conversation was actually a bit longer, a bit more boring and wasn’t really a conversation at all. My idiocy aside, the answer is IND(EL)ICATE not IND(CORY)ICATE. So, the email exchange helped. The internet is a weird place.
Warren Buffett donates $37bn to charity
The power of context
The 25 most popular nouns
A list of the 25 most popular nouns: time, person, year, way, day, thing, man, world, life, hand, part, child, eye, woman, place, work, week, case, point, government, company, number, group, problem, fact.
Slow but steady
My trusty old mac is starting to show its age. Nothing terrible, but you notice the odd wheeze as it struggles with a high-resolution slideshow or a large Photoshop comp. That said, it’s hard to complain when the machine is rock solid:
Coronado:~ dkellam$ uptime
16:46 up 61 days, 4:14, 2 users, load averages: 2.76 2.67 2.44
An uptime of 61 days? Guess it’s been a little while since the last reboot. A few specs for the curious: PowerMac G4 933mhz, 1gb SDRAM, 64mb GeForce4MX (my about screen image).