All you people are vampires

Hello gorgeous...

No posts for a week and it appears the universe has not ground to a crashing halt. I fear my gravitation isn’t what is used to be. Am I no longer the center of existence? Hey, I’ve been working on some other projects, time for a quick run down. I’ll hit up the web project list first, covering Seal Club, flickrRSS updates and eightface notes, then it’ll procede into personal territory, mostly covering cleaning and vinyl.

Seal Club Updates

There’s been a minor redesign around Seal Club, so go check it. The impetus would be a decreased reliance on, the introduction of the blog and mailbag. The mailbag hasn’t been finished off, mostly due to a lack of mail. If you want your letter to appear in the first round, drop us a line and will rip your apart in public. The mission of the weblog isn’t clear at this point — it will mostly be used for site updates and as a platform to openly mock pillars of the design community.


Stairway at St. Paul’s

Stairway at St. Paul's

Stairway at St. Paul’s is probably the coolest music video that I’ve seen in a long long time. Jeroen Offerman spent three months learning to sing Stairway to Heaven backwards and recorded his performance on the steps of St. Paul for confused spectators.

This film comes via the first issue of Wholphin, a new DVD magazine by the folks at McSweeney’s. With a level of pretension that we’ve grown to expect, Jeroen’s contributions to the magazine are used as dvd menu items. It’ll come on eventually if you leave the DVD menu playing, it happened to Tavis and I while we were playing some Mario Kart DS. It was a weird experience.


Four Things

I’ve been tagged for four things by Matt, it’s been awhile since one of these meme’s floated around. The site has more readership now and I’ve been slacking with the personal sections, so here goes.

Four jobs I’ve had in my life

  • Carny
  • Janitor
  • Teacher
  • Web Designer

Four movies I can watch over and over

  • Braveheart
  • Monty Python and the Holy Grail
  • Run Lola Run
  • The Shawshank Redemption


Web Infinity Point Oh Plus One

Web Infinity Plus One

Now that Zeldman’s on board we can get past this icky Web 2.0 nonsense and move on to the next version.

As for me, I’m cutting out the middleman and jumping right to Web 3.0. Why wait?

Sounds good to me, but we should really stop dicking around. Unfortunately, Web Infinity sounds like a bad car name, so in true playground fashion we’ll go with Web Infinity Point Oh Plus One. We can even shorten it to Web iPopo for marketing and a nice conference namey feel.

Fork beta 1

Fork b1 (inline asides) - 900px

What’s black and white and red all over? You guessed it, Fork for K2. And what is a K2 you ask? Other than the oft-neglected peak situated beside Everest? If you’re familiar with WordPress, K2 is the successor to Kubrick, the popular default theme. It aims to be a bit more than a standard theme, with out of the box support for a number of plugins and a slew of built-in options. You can download the latest K2 beta via Binary Bonsai.

Lots of people are running K2, it’s a decent option if you don’t want to get into the php/css guts of a WordPress theme. That said, the stock look might be getting you down. That’s where Fork comes in. You should be able to drop it into a default K2 install, enable it via the options panel and have a dirty greyscale theme without any real work. It should also offer a little bit of insight into the theme’s visual customization.


In da Club

Here we go with another visual roundup of the latest and greatest 5Q interviews from Seal Club. Five more sets of questions, featuring a good whack of talent that we abuse by probing the most mundane aspects of their existence. Go read them now (and check out the first five interviews if you missed ’em).

Matthew Good

Greg Storey

Dave Shea

Khaled Abou Alfa

Paul B. Drohan

Thanks to: Paul B. Drohan, Khaled Abou Alfa, Dave Shea, Greg Storey and Matthew Good, for helping us out this time around. Hopefully, we’ll have more Seal Club action coming at you soon. It’s been slow over the last month or so.

flickrRSS 3.0

flickrRSS 3.0 plugin for WordPress

Finally got around to updating the flickrRSS plugin for WordPress. I had been meaning to do it for awhile, but kept putting it off. Now that WordPress 2.0 is out, I figured it would be a good time to break the plugin. Yeah, that’s right break it. I changed around a bunch of the options and how the parameters are handled, so you’ll need to set it up again.

As an end user, you won’t notice a lot of the improvements. The interface makes more sense now (compare a 2.0 screenshot vs 3.0 screenshot) and should be easier to use. The options panel has been moved into Presentation, which makes more sense I think. At least that’s where I usually went looking for it. The image sizes now reflect the actual flicker image sizes too.


Twelve Hours of Power

Hello 2006. Bring it.

I won’t get into a huge retrospective, but the past year has been pretty damn good. Some highlights: moving to WordPress, graduating from Teacher’s College, the popularity of the flickrRSS and myStatus plugins, having site designs appear on a number of CSS Gallery sites, Alanah moving in and receiving a Digital Rebel for Christmas.

As they say, the new year is a time for growth and rejuvenation (but I could be wrong, maybe it’s Spring they’re talking about). In the spirit of growing, it’s time to rip the site apart and start again. If you’re new to the neighbourhood, it happens a lot.
