Chicken bowl. I’m down with easy to make food trends.
Created a record collection page. It’s pretty raw at the moment, mostly spitting out the text lists I made while yak shaving the other night.
Sad Songs for Dirty Lovers
American War ?
American War is the first novel from Omar El Akkad. If you’re into dystopian sci-fi, I’d definitely recommend picking up a copy. His prose can be a bit of a slog at times, but worth seeing through. The world building is amazing, I found myself wanting to know more about it.
Full disclosure: Omar is an old friend, so I might be a tad biased. He has always been a prolific wordsmith, and one of my favourite writers, so I’m super-stoked that the book has been well received. Go Omar!
Ordered some of these orange chairs from Article earlier in the year. The colour makes me happy. They’re also surprisingly comfortable.
My blog turned 18 last week. It’s now old enough to vote. I marked the occasion by moving it from to ???
After dinner tea and reading @ Étoile Rouge
Some Ethiopia Gera from Pilot Coffee Roasters for cold brew