Protovis is a free and open-source graphical toolkit for visualization. It uses JavaScript and SVG for native visualizations in a web browser. Michael used it to analyze the traffic from his Chewbacca post.
Tag: visualization
Soft drink industry structure
A visualization of the American soft drinks industry. Despite the apparent abundance of choice, three firms control 89% of the market.
Data visualization history
Here’s an interactive overview of the milestones in the data visualizations. It’s a kitchen sink approach, so the interface is a little bit on the awkward side, but there’s a ton of information there.
The periodic table of visualization methods might be of interest as well. It’s easier to see examples of the method, but light on background information.
Mountains and molehills
Information is Beautiful has a number of cool information visualizations posted on their site. I particularly like the timeline of global media scare stories.
GOOD Infographics
GOOD Magazine keeps an archive of all the information graphics used in their articles. Seems like a good place to visit when I need a little inspiration.
Visualizing the Grid
The NPR has an interesting data visualization of the US electrical grid, detailing transmission lines, types of power used by state, and proposed infrastructure.
Designing for big data
Jeffrey Veen’s presentation on designing for big data. A quick peek into the history of data visualization, how we’re changing from consumers into participants, and how technology has allowed huge amounts of information to be recorded, stored, and analyzed. Personally, I’m just starting to get my feet wet with and will need to setup some sort of venue to display my experiments.
Data visualization for the masses
Many Eyes is a project from IBM that seeks to “democratize” visualization and create a social kind of data analysis. Upload your own data set or use one of the theirs to create a variety of different visualizations.
Substrate Gallery of Computation
Substrate – Gallery of Computation