The raptors beat the sixers

The raptors beat the sixers tonite. I couldn’t watch the game. For some reason, i never really envisioned myself saying that. I never was a huge basketball fan. I remember watching the NCAA tournament and every once in awhile an NBA game, but i never actively followed a team. It’s a side-effect of living in res this year and having rabid raptors fans on the floor.

My reason for missing the game would be a little job i’m doing on sunday nights. It’s 2-3 hours, cleaning up a building. It’s not really too hard to do, but it’ll bring in a little cash and it gives me something to do. It feels too odd not having any school work to do and not having a job. I’m at that stage where I feel the need to be doing something. I remember being younger and perfectly content doing absolutely nothing, especially on summer holidays. It may be having a much earlier start at the holidays or growing up, i’m not really sure. I deffinitely want to be doing something.

I have had the opportunity to finish off a couple books already and watch a couple movies. Reading for pleasure is one thing i tend to miss during the school year. I do some, but just enough. With the courses i’ve taken, I don’t have any novel reading to do either. Everything is fairly technical and not always easy to read. Economic theory, psychology, math, how to program java, it’s not quite the same.