Last year, I was contacted by Hans Lijklema about including my fonts in an archive of free fonts. His Free Font Index landed on my doorstep a couple weeks ago. I just got around to posting some photos now, there are some better spread shots over at The Fell Types.
What fonts you say? About ten years ago, I went on a font making kick, mostly hand-drawn stuff, and crappy erasure remixes. Some of them were drawn by my buddy Brian Stuparyk. People still download and use these in various projects, you can grab them here. They’re pretty rough and raw, no kerning, no nothing… didn’t really know what I was doing at the time. I should probably revisited the fonts and clean them up a bit.
If you get the chance, you should check out the book. There’s some great work in there by talented type designers, who created much more usable typefaces. There are also some cool interviews.