Cory Doctorow offers some tips for writing in the age of distraction. Among them, use plain text not a fancy word processor, realtime communications tools are evil and don’t research, substitute TK for things you don’t know and come back to them later.
Category: links
Subpixel type
The first subpixel typeface has an x-height of just 3px. It can be used to improve the legibility of favicons.
Leaden Army
Goudy Fonts is a tribute site, dedicated to the work Frederic and Bertha Goudy and their impact on American typography. I am type is one of Goudy’s more famous essays on the subject. This quote is a bit dated, but I like it.
I am the leaden army that conquers the world. I am type.
That essay and others can be found in Texts on Type.
Indie rock
A grown’s up guide to indie rock. An interesting perspective, largely summed up by the idea that everything old is new again.
Colour management
Scott Hansen and Alex Cornell have put together an excellent field guide for colour management. On that note, some of the mac people who upgraded to Snow Leopard may be interested in knowing why things seem to be darker with more contrast.
People who get up early crash faster than those of us that stay up late. Keep your bloody worm, I’ll take my spicy dish of vindication.
Book design books
Jan Tschichold’s The Form of the Book still soundly trounces the modern competition. His work focuses on what not to do, rather than showing you a bunch of examples of what you can do.
Burger porn
The Cheese & Burger Society presents thirty glorious images of cheeseburger porn, featuring your favourite Wisconsin cheeses. Not safe for vegans.
LA Times redesign
The Los Angeles Times has redesigned their website to make it cleaner, crisper and more innovative. I’m liking the new look, finding that it’s more newspaper-like and ties into the print aesthetic better.
OS X history
Here’s a look at OS X over the years. I started using a mac back in 2002 with version 10.1.5, it’s come along way since then. If you’ve got some time on your hands, you can take a peek at John Siracusa’s 26-page review of Snow Leopard, Apple’s latest iteration of the operating system.