The Financial Times takes a look at the history of the Times New Roman typeface and who may or may not have been involved.
Category: links
Get out there
Sound advice from an interview with Jim Coudal
When you think to yourself, “In 18 months I’m going to start my crocheted beer coaster company,” the problem with that sentence is the 18 months. What you’re really saying is, “I’m afraid.” Do it now. If you bankrupt a company before you’re 25, that’s like a badge of honor! Get out there.
Movie title type
Christian Annyas has created a collection of movie title stills from the films that he has watched over the years. It also serves as a good repository for typographic inspiration.
Print your own comic
Want to print your own comic? Pen, paper, photocopier. Easy.
This is what happens when Deep Impact meets le Petit Prince.
Apollo 11 source code
The source code for the Command Module and Lunar Module has been scanned and posted online for all to enjoy.
Maker versus Manager
Paul Graham expounds on the schedules of makers and managers, describing how poorly timed meetings can be detrimental to the productivity of the maker.
Happy moon landing

It’s the 40th anniversary of man landing on the moon. Kottke has created a giant Apollo 11 post with links to photos, videos and loads of other information related to the event. In related news, I have an copy of the Globe and Mail’s moon landing issue, which I’ve been meaning to scan for awhile. The interesting thing about it, is the front page headline which was printed in large green type.
Newsprint for all
Newspaper Club is developing a service to help people print their own newspapers. It doesn’t necessarily mean a traditional newspaper per se, but anything with ink on newsprint. It sounds like an amazing idea to me, hopefully they can make a successful go of things.
Moyers and David Simon
Bill Moyers interviews David Simon, mostly centred around The Wire and the current state of society in America.