Pages is shutting down in Toronto. It’s quite a shame, it was definitely one of my favourite bookstores, and always one of my stops along Queen St. I also discovered that Shipley Books on Charing Cross Road, in London, was forced to shutdown this year. Hopefully, both are able to find affordable spaces to continue operation, or we’ll just continue the march towards big box store hell.
Category: links

Deadline is an animated stop-motion short that used more than six-thousand Post-it notes to emulate pixel art. Also, make sure to check out the making of video.
Digital Future
Dual Perspectives is an ongoing series of articles examining the future of technology and the web.
Bad books
Awful Library Books brings us the best of the worst books held in public libraries.
95 percent of opinions withheld on visit to family. Yet another spot on article from the Onion.
Periodic table of controllers. An interesting infographic of video game controllers, would be bit cooler if it mimicked the structure of the periodic table a bit better.
Minimalist web design
Nothing quite like being featured in a minimalist web design post in the midst of a half-assed live redesign. In any case, you might find some better inspiration there.
David Březina has officially released Skolar, a typeface designed for multilingual, scholarly publications.
Paul Shaw looks at the use of “ethnic typography” for Print Magazine, and finds that it serves its own purpose.
They are shortcuts, visual mnemonic devices. There is no room for cultural nuance or academic accuracy in a shop’s fascia. Restaurant owners want passersby (often in cars rather than on foot) to know immediately that they serve Chinese (or Greek, or Jewish) food.
His article also examines the background behind a few of the more popular typefaces. I understand that these typefaces serve a purpose, but I still balk at the use of Papyrus as an “Irish” font.
Lucas on film making
Michael Heilemann dug up an interview with George Lucas from 1971, shortly after Warner Brothers had finished butchering THX 1138. At this point, you can see that he’s pretty disillusioned with Hollywood, and how that pushed him towards the creation of Lucasfilm.